Cinematography Portfolio
Social Media Ads run the gamut from direct address, sales-driven videos to emotion-driven highlight reels to build awareness, right on down to funny solution campaigns for higher in the funnel. This selected portfolio features some of the cinematography work I’ve done for various campaigns over the years, including some remote shoots during covid.

Vybrary Library: “Open House”

Queens Collective Coworking Space

Vybrary Library: “Alternate Energy”

Vybrary Library: “Public Transit PSA”

Covid Coffee Vybrary Agency Commercial

Vybrary Library: “It Started With My Energy Bill”

Passing This Test: NYC DOE

Spikeball / Landshark

Digital Ads – “Firefly Festival”

Vybrary Library “My Friend, Nancy”

Vybrary Agency: Intra-Optimization Solution

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Live Nation Concert Cleanup Process with Barber Litter Picker